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Winter Weather Safety Tips: How to Avoid Slip and Fall Accidents

On Behalf of | Jan 1, 2025 | Motor Vehicle Accidents

Slips and falls are a real health hazard – probably more than anybody realizes. They account for more than a million emergency room visits every year – and cause numerous broken bones, traumatic brain injuries and spinal cord injuries for victims. 

While winter in Syracuse can be stunningly beautiful, those icy sidewalks and parking lots can turn a simple errand outside your door into a potential disaster. To help you stay on your feet this winter, here are some easy, practical tips to help you avoid slips and falls:

1. Use the right footwear

Your sneakers might be comfy, but they won’t cut it on icy sidewalks. Grab a pair of boots with good grip and non-slip soles before you head outside.

2. Channel your inner penguin

When walking on ice, think like a penguin: Take short, flat-footed steps and lean slightly forward. It might feel a little silly when you’re doing it, but it works beautifully to keep you on your feet.

3. Hold onto railings when you can

If there’s a handrail nearby, use it! Whether you’re on stairs or a ramp, holding on gives you extra stability and could save you from a nasty fall.

4. Watch for black ice

Black ice is a super thin layer of ice that can form on sidewalks and parking lots – and it’s very hard to see. Take it slow, especially in low light, and test your footing as you go.

5. Keep your hands free

Carrying too much stuff or keeping your hands in your pockets makes it harder to balance. Keep at least one hand free whenever you can so that you can catch yourself if you start to slip.

6. Stick to the safest routes

When you can, use sidewalks and cleared paths – even if it’s an indirect route to your destination. Shortcuts through untreated areas are just asking for trouble.

7. Use well-lighted areas

Good lighting can make a huge difference in spotting icy patches. Parking lots, in particular, are full of hidden hazards. Walk carefully, stick to cleared paths and wear your boots. Stay in areas where the lights are good so that you can spot icy patches more easily.

8. Watch out for indoor slippery spots

Be careful once you step inside stores and office buildings. Snow and ice can be tracked inside and water and slush can gather on slick tile floors. Be particularly cautious if the store is busy and the floors don’t seem to be protected by mats.

If you do suffer a slip and fall this winter in Syracuse, you may suffer serious injuries – and you could be in for a long recovery. Exploring your legal options can help you obtain the compensation you need.